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Hiking in Slovenia, in English

Amit: ponedeljek, 4. september 2006, ob 17.10 uri; ogledov: 2
Hello, We (myself and 2 partner) are landing in Slovenia next Sunday. Our plan is to hike in the Julian Alps for about 10 days before taking off back home (Israel). We have some experience in hiking and we heard great recommendation about the scenery and the people in Slovenia so we decided to go to the Julian Alps. I found information in English about the trails in the Julian Alps in the via-alpine site. The trail from Zgornje Jezersko through Triglav Park to around Bohinjska Bistrica looks very nice. But I have a lot of questions and doubts about this trail. - Is it a popular trail or is it rarely traveled ? - Can I hike this trail using the description from the via-alpine site (and some print outs of maps you pointed to in this forum) without getting lost ? How dangerous is it to get lost in this area ??? - The "official timing" (from the via-alpine site) for this trail is about 12 days. Do you think this is a reasonable estimation ? Any information, tips and new ideas regarding this trail will be appreciated ! Thanks in advance, Amit


Amit: ponedeljek, 4. september 2006, ob 17.10 uri
Hello, We (myself and 2 partner) are landing in Slovenia next Sunday. Our plan is to hike in the Julian Alps for about 10 days before taking off back home (Israel). We have some experience in hiking and we heard great recommendation about the scenery and the people in Slovenia so we decided to go to the Julian Alps. I found information in English about the trails in the Julian Alps in the via-alpine site. The trail from Zgornje Jezersko through Triglav Park to around Bohinjska Bistrica looks very nice. But I have a lot of questions and doubts about this trail. - Is it a popular trail or is it rarely traveled ? - Can I hike this trail using the description from the via-alpine site (and some print outs of maps you pointed to in this forum) without getting lost ? How dangerous is it to get lost in this area ??? - The "official timing" (from the via-alpine site) for this trail is about 12 days. Do you think this is a reasonable estimation ? Any information, tips and new ideas regarding this trail will be appreciated ! Thanks in advance, Amit
Tejtej: torek, 5. september 2006, ob 8.41 uri
Via Alpina is relatively new and not that known. In general, one or two day hikes are much more common. Among longer trails there are other that are better known than Via Alpina. There are several books with detailed descriptions available (in english), so try to find them when you get here. I have checked this section of Via Alpina, it is a trip from Zg. Jezersko along the Karavanke and then into Vrata valley in the Julian Alps (Jezersko-Storžič-Stol-Golica-Vrata-Dolič). Not very demanding with several huts along the way that are open trough September. 12 days, I think this includes a few days for bad weather and relaxation.
Tejtej: sreda, 6. september 2006, ob 9.48 uri
From your reply it seems that you are not too enthusiastic about this trail.
A matter of personal taste. While I consider Zg. Jezersko a great starting point, I like it because of Grintovec and Skuta (mountains to the east of the town). Are the other, more popular, long trails goes through other parts of Slovenia ?
By far the most popular is "transverzala" across the entire country but I am unable to find description in english. Overall, I think your plan can be realised without problems. For anything else (from Kranjska gora, Bohinj, Bovec as xmovc suggested), you should get detailed maps & guidebooks. There are several casualties every year because people have no idea where they are going. Do not join them.
Amit: četrtek, 7. september 2006, ob 0.05 uri
Filip - This is in general what I planned to do. Nevertheless, hearing it from you is very reassuring that it is a possible/doable plan. Thanks ! Tejtej - Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I have some questions about equipment: - Do I have to purify the water for drinking when on trial ? - Can I count on buying all my meals on the way ? Or is it better to be equipped for self catering ?

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