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FORUM PZS (zapisi iz stare spletne strani)

Joining the Slovenian Alpine Association

Mark_Lester: ponedeljek, 23. junij 2008, ob 10.14 uri; ogledov: 0
Dober Dan, We are a group of 4 hiking up to Triglav in August. We will be staying at Vodnikov, Planika, Dolic, Prehodavcih and Komni. The lady at Prehodavcih recommended that we join the Slovenian Alpine Association, but I cant work out how to do that, or even if we are eligible if we arent experienced mountaineers. Hvala in advance for any help you can be. Mark Lester


Mark_Lester: ponedeljek, 23. junij 2008, ob 10.14 uri
Dober Dan, We are a group of 4 hiking up to Triglav in August. We will be staying at Vodnikov, Planika, Dolic, Prehodavcih and Komni. The lady at Prehodavcih recommended that we join the Slovenian Alpine Association, but I cant work out how to do that, or even if we are eligible if we arent experienced mountaineers. Hvala in advance for any help you can be. Mark Lester
Tejtej: ponedeljek, 23. junij 2008, ob 12.34 uri
You are eligible (everyone is). Basic fee (B) is 18€. [url][/url] Translation: Fill the application form, print it, send to the selected member organization of PZS or send as email to the selected organization that has an email address. Form: - first and last name - (permanent address) street (and number) - town/city ZIP code - I want to join the following organization (select from the list, "izberi" button) - phone - email "pripravi za tisk" = print "pošlji društvu" = email to But I would recommend that you join in person after your arrival. All towns with population over 1000 have a club belonging to the Alpine Association. Bring your photo.
Mark_Lester: ponedeljek, 23. junij 2008, ob 13.42 uri
But I would recommend that you join in person after your arrival. All towns with population over 1000 have a club belonging to the Alpine Association. Bring your photo.
Many thanks Tejtej. The problem is that we will be arriving on Sunday afternoon and are heading straight for Vodnikov. So we need to try and work this out beforehand. I have a contact in Stara Fuzina who I stayed with last year with my family, he will be driving us from the airport up to Pokljuka so he might be able to organise the membership for us. Hvala :D
Matjaž: četrtek, 26. junij 2008, ob 9.22 uri
Mark, I have to warn you that the path Pokljuka - Vodnikov dom is impassable due to a huge rockfall in Tosc section. My advice: before the arrival check actual situation - the best place to get the info is, of course, this PZS forum. Alternative solution: start on Blato (mountain pasture) from where you can reach Vodnikov dom over Laz (m. p.), Lazovški and Mišeljski preval (passes)... Srečno!
fluppe85: sobota, 6. junij 2009, ob 13.46 uri
You are eligible (everyone is). Basic fee (B) is 18€. But I would recommend that you join in person after your arrival. All towns with population over 1000 have a club belonging to the Alpine Association. Bring your photo.
Hello, Joining the PZS seems interesting for cost reduction of our trip in September, but I have a few questions: What are the biggest differences between A type(50€) and B type (20€) membership? We plan to start and end in Kransjka Gora. Do they have an Alpine Association Club? Is it possible to arrange membership on Saturdays? Thank you
Tejtej: sobota, 6. junij 2009, ob 19.27 uri
What are the biggest differences between A type(50€) and B type (20€) membership?
12 month prescription for PV journal (in Slovenian only). We plan to start and end in Kransjka Gora. Do they have an Alpine Association Club?
Yes. Is it possible to arrange membership on Saturdays?
Probably not (no homepage, small club). ADDED: after reading your posts in another tread, there is also a club in Mojstrana, 7:00-15:00 during the week, closed on saturdays/sundays.
paticolt: ponedeljek, 4. oktober 2010, ob 20.27 uri
You are eligible (everyone is). Basic fee (B) is 18€. [url][/url] Translation: Fill the application form, print it, send to the selected member organization of PZS or send as email to the selected organization that has an email address. Form: - first and last name - (permanent address) street (and number) - town/city ZIP code - I want to join the following organization (select from the list, "izberi" button) - phone - email "pripravi za tisk" = print "pošlji društvu" = email to But I would recommend that you join in person after your arrival. All towns with population over 1000 have a club belonging to the Alpine Association. Bring your photo.
hello i am a young man of Polish and I would like to join your association Alpine a few times I wrote to the general e-mail and nothing - how can I subscribe to the association at a distance?

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