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Equipment for hiking in Triglav National Park

celine57: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 10.58 uri; ogledov: 23
Hi, we plan to do a trek next week from huts to huts in the Triglav National Park. We would like to ascent Prisank (west way), Skrlatica, and Triglav (by Plemenice or from Aljazev dom). Do we need to have cramps and/or ice axe? Is there still some snow on these ways? Thanks in advance Céline


celine57: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 10.58 uri
Hi, we plan to do a trek next week from huts to huts in the Triglav National Park. We would like to ascent Prisank (west way), Skrlatica, and Triglav (by Plemenice or from Aljazev dom). Do we need to have cramps and/or ice axe? Is there still some snow on these ways? Thanks in advance Céline
Matej_K.: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 11.51 uri
There is still some snow on mentioned routes. Cramps and ice axes are necessary!
Tejtej: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 14.46 uri
Paths that you have chosen are all clearly marked, difficult sections are equipped with steel ropes. And yes, currently there is still snow there, so cramps and ice axe are needed in some sections.
turbo: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 15.05 uri
Prisank, Skrlatica and Triglav are high mountianes. Even the easy ways are in some parts not so easy. The Plamenice way to Triglav are pretty hard, exposed, there are some wire ropes for protection. Actually Plamenice way are the hardest marked way to Triglav. And some wire ropes are damaged. And on the top of Plamenice, below the summit, there are a still a lot of snow. I recommend you the way over Prag (starting point is Aljaz hut in Vrata valley), this is really pretty easy way to Kredarica hut below Triglav summit. On that way you will not need either crampons and ice axe. You will have only some snow around the hut, but the terain is flat and not dangerous. From Kredarica hut to the summit you will not have any snow, but the way is exposed and secured with wired ropes. About Skrlatica: starting point is also Aljaz hut in Vrata valley (parking place, parking fee). On the way you will have some snow (not much becauose of the south side) below the wall of Skrlatica summit, so ice axe may help. For my opinion crampons are unnecessary while the snow is very soft. The Skrlatica climb is also pretty hard, wire ropes almoast all the time. And this is the one and only way to the top. Attention: the climb is very long and there is no mountain hut on the way (only small bivouac with beds, no food and drink suplly !!!). About the conditions on the mountaines paths you will get accurate informations in Aljaz hut for sure. Prisank: I think, the best way, for sure without snow, is from the south side. Tihis is most easy way to the top. Starting point is Vrsic mountain pass (parking place, parking fee) All those paths on those three mountains are very well marked, there is always a lot of mountaineers on those paths and in Slovenia almoast every one speak at least a litlle English, so You will have no problems at all during Your trek. Just pay attention to the weather conditions, in the (late) afternoons are the thunderstorms possible. I wish You a good weather, nice trek and a lot of fun in our mountaines !!!
turbo: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 16.15 uri
Yes, for Skrlatica you can start from Pogacnik hut. This way is very nice too, one small part is protected with wire rope (short, not difficult). The only bad thing on this path is, that you have some descents and ascents during the way. And there could be some snow on the way. Approach to Pogacnik hut is from Aljaz hut, you have two choises: one over Luknja pass and one over Sovatna. Sovatna is more difficult (very stepp, for sure some snow on the path) so I recommend the path over Luknja pass. One part is exposed and protected, but you have the same difficultys on Triglav and on Skrlatica. Your idea to go to Skrlatica from Pogacnik hut and descent to Aljaz hut in Vrata valley is very good. P.S. dont forget the helmet !!! if you have climbing belt and via feratta equipment take it with you, can be useful on some parts of the paths.
turbo: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 16.27 uri
Addition: when I said in my first writing that there is only one way to Skrlatica I was thinking on the summit. There is two approaches to the starting point of climbing, one from Aljaz hut and one from Pogacnik hut. Further towards to the top there is only one way, so you can not choose between easy and hard way like you can on Triglav or Prisank, for example. Have a nice time ! ...če želiš v 5.nadstropje, moraš začeti v pritličju... => translated in English: If You want to go to the 5th floor, You must start in ground floor....
turbo: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 17.36 uri
Unfortunately our huts are very crowded during the high season (second half of July and all August. If you have a fixed plan, You should call now. You must know, that even if the hut is full, You will still sleep inside. Maybe on the bench in the dining room for example. You will get a blanket or two and maybe something to lay on. Normaly is a less crowded during the week. Week ends are somethimes almoast crazy. But on the other side, when is the hut overcrowded, there is always a lot of fun and good spirit. And after 22 hour pm is a bed time so you have enough time for rest.
celine57: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 22.25 uri
This is the route of our trip. Could you tell me if some stages are too difficult because of the snow? Day 1 : Kranjska Gora - Mala and Velika Mojstrovska (by Hanzova Pot for the ascent and Grebenec for the descent) - Ticarjev dom Day 2 : Ticarjev Dom -Prisank (from the south to the ascent and Prednje Okno for the descent) - Mihov Dom Day 3 : Mihov Dom - Spik (from kacgi graben for the ascent and Gamsova spika for the descent) - Koca Krnici Day 4 : Koca Krnici - Pogasnikov dom (by kriska stena) Day 5 : Pogasnikov dom - Kriz - Stenar - bovski gamsovec - Pogasnikov dom Day 6 : Pogacnikov dom - Skrlatica - Aljazev dom Day 7 : Aljazev dom - Dom Valentina by Prag route (ascent of Cmir if time enough) Day 8 : Dom Valentina - Rjavina - Triglavski dom Day 9 : Triglavki dom - Triglav - Koca na Dolicu Day 10 : Koca na Dolicu - Kanjavec (by Hribarice)- Zasavska Koca na prehodavcih Day 11 : Zasavska Koca - Triglavskih jezerih (ascent of Veliko Spice from the south) Day 12 : Triglavskih jezerih - Prsivec - Stara Fuzina Thanks in advance, as soon as you tell me if its ok, I will book huts.
Tejtej: petek, 17. julij 2009, ob 23.34 uri
We also have a little experience of alpinism.
Then why so much concern about snow? You know how to deal with it and the conditions are far from extreme. About Prisank - trail trough the Okno is a wonderful ascent. As I said, I would never go down that trail, but then again I am a weekend mountaineer and during weekends, there are a lot of people there.
Filip: sobota, 18. julij 2009, ob 9.01 uri
And yes, currently there is still snow there, so cramps and ice axe are needed in some sections.
Unnecessary burden. Helmet YES, harness maybe.
dejan.skrabelj: sobota, 18. julij 2009, ob 16.35 uri
Dear Celine; maybe also some comments from my side: 1. day: the path to Mala Mojstrovka is well marked and equipped, I checked out and there is no snow on the path. Note that the ascent to Velika Mojstrovka is not marked, but it is not hard to find. Personally I would suggest you the ascent through the Prednje Okno (Kopiscarjeva route) and descent to the south ("Juzna pot"). The Kopiscarjeva route is quite hard and please do not underestimate its difficulties. You will need helmets. On the link you should look how the Kopiscarjeva route (Prednje okno) looks like, before you decide to descend over it. Again, I would suggest that you ascent from "Koca v Krnici" over Lipanca to the summit of Spik and that you use the "Kacji graben" for your descend. Last few hundred meters (I speak about altitude) of the Kacji graben is a steep scree, which can enormously exhaust you. You can turn the scree into a benefit and use it for a descent. Personally I do not know what you mean with "Gamsova spika"? I suggest that you move the ascent to Kriz from the to the because it is very close to the path that leads over Kriska stena to Pogacnikov dom. your plan looks nice. Personally I would move the ascent to Kriz on the seems nice. You were already reminded that Skrlatica is a "hard" mountain. You will again pass nearby Kriz. seems nice. If you will not have enough time to ascent the Cmir you can quickly ascent Begunsjki vrh. From the hut to the top of the Begunjski vrh you will need 30 minutes. Cmir is also very nice mountain because it is not so crowded. seems nice but it is quite short stage in comparison with other days. If the weather is stable you can ascent also Triglav and then descend to Planika hut, where you spend night (its 1 hour far from the summit of Triglav). From Planika there is a route toward Dolic and Kanjavec, so it lies on your path. You were already reminded that an avalanche destroyed the hut. Therefore you will have to reach the Zasavska koca on Prehodavci. Even if you start your day at Kredarica hut, you have enough time to reach Prehodavci. well, it is already embedded into nice trip, I do not know from your text if it is clear that you can ascent the Veliko Spicje directly from Zasavska koca over its ridge. The path is of course marked but it is not so luxurious equipped. From the top you can descend to Koca pri triglavskih jezerih. Of course, if you use the proposed approach, you will see some of the lakes only from the ridge. 12. day: seems OK, but it can be quite long trip, which is not so crowded. Well, what to say? Very ambitious plan, you must be very well prepared to fullfill it. Pay attention also on the weather. When you are coming to Slovenia? I will try to check out how is it with snow conditions. However, my personal opinion is that you must be equipped at least with an ice-axe. Enjoy your time in Slovenia, Dejan
celine57: nedelja, 19. julij 2009, ob 21.03 uri
Dear Dejan, I have just sent you my email, I hope you got it. Thank you for your informations about the snow, my back would be glad not to carry cramps and ice axe.

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